Monday, December 22, 2014


I am not surprised that Obama normalized relations with Cuba. After all, he’s a Socialist. (Yes, I called him a Socialist because he is a Socialist. Can we once and for all get over the fear of calling him a Socialist as I suggested in “Michael Steele…Better Get in Gear”. It should be clear to everyone he believes in the principle formulated by Marx, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. And we know how he feels about central government control. So, let’s get over it and start calling a spade a spade.)
I am also not surprised by the reaction of the media. They are acting like this is a major accomplishment. This Week’s George Snuffleupagus called it a historic breakthrough: maybe for Raul Castro! He is back in his country declaring victory. Someone likened Obama’s action to the Berlin Wall coming down. Really!? The wall came down because Reagan was able to get Gorbachev to concede: not the other way around! And on the same show Cokie Roberts said normalization with Cuba was good because it will help big business. When a liberal thinks it a good idea to help big business regardless of human rights violations you know something’s up.
What I am surprised about is the extent to which Obama is taken advantage of by foreign leaders. He unilaterally made a major concession and got nothing in return. Sad.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

“Gruber Democrats”: You can’t be that stupid again, can you?

As I stated in Grubergate, Obama and his administration think democrats are stupid. I like to call them Gruber Democrats. You fell for Obamacare which was a massive power grab dressed up like compassion, backed by purposely deceptive math, obfuscation, and downright lies. (For you Gruber Democrats: obfuscate means to be evasive, unclear, or confusing.) Obama must figure Democrats were stupid enough to be duped into supporting Obamacare, let’s try amnesty.

Allow me to point out some things about Obama’s executive order on immigration now so you are not embarrassed that you supported this later, when a “Gruber” is caught on video saying how stupid you were for believing Obama.

The President said in the announcement of his executive order on immigration, “It does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. Only Congress can do that. All we’re saying is we’re not going to deport you”. That is a downright lie, or a Gruberism, as I like to call it. What he didn’t tell you was that this executive order also gives certain illegal immigrants work papers and social security numbers. This is where he runs afoul of the constitution. I won’t bother belaboring the unconstitutionally of this action because I have become painfully aware of the fact that few Democrats even pretend to care about the constitution any more. So let me focus on other aspects of this travesty.

Obama says there are not enough money and people to enforce the immigration laws so he is deferring deportations for certain illegal immigrants. To do this he is going to set up offices and hire government employees to process these new applications including fingerprints, criminal background checks, and verification of residence in the US for at least five years. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website says that application fees will cover the increased cost. Even you Gruber-democrats can’t believe that!

And consider this: when it became too onerous to check if people applying for subsidies for Obamacare really deserved them, they allowed people to “self certify”. All they had to do is sign a paper saying they qualified. It is clear Obama wants as many people as possible to take advantage of this new executive order. Does anyone really think he is going to demand that the applications be thoroughly reviewed?

Applicants must pay Social Security taxes. So what do you think will happen if they get their work papers and don’t pay their taxes? Will they be deported? After all, Obama asked in his announcement, “Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms, or are we a nation that values families and works together to keep them together?” And does anyone doubt that they will be eligible to receive Social Security, Medicare, and other benefits if the executive order is not reversed?

According to the USCIS website they plan to process the applications within a year. Why then, don’t they use these resources to clear out the backlog of legal immigrants waiting for their application to be approved?

And how do illegal immigrants prove they have been in the country for the minimum amount of time? They can show utility bills. Illegal immigrants can get fake social society cards and IDs, does anyone doubt they can get fake water bills?

It has also come to light that employers do not have to provide healthcare to illegal immigrants with the new work authorizations, as is required for American citizens because of Obamacare. So if an employer has to decide between hiring an illegal immigrant or an American for whom he has to provide healthcare or pay a $3000 fine, who do you think he will hire?

As the old saying goes; “Fool a Gruber-democrat once, shame on you. Fool one twice, shame on the stupid Democrat”.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014



I would like to discuss two aspects of the whole Gruber controversy that I think are being missed.
  1. The following is a transcript from the video of Gruber that started the controversy:
“This bill [Obamacare] was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If [Congressional Budget Office] scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in -– you made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money — it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter, or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." [Emphasis added.]
Who is Gruber calling stupid in the last line of this quote? Generally, Obamacare was never popular among Republicans across the country and not a single Republican voted for it in Congress.  So who was stupid enough to be duped by Obama and his cohorts?  He must be talking about Democrats!  Gruber is calling Democrats stupid.
  1. The following is a transcript of Obama’s answer when asked about Gruber and if Obama mislead Americans to get the bill passed:
“No, I did not. I just heard about this. I get well-briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run." [Emphasis added.]
So Obama claims he disagrees with the part about Americans being stupid.  What about the rest of what Gruber said!?
After all the damage this president and his administration have caused, the Democrats I talk to still support him.  Maybe Gruber is right after all.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Ostrich Effect

We will never have a better example of the stupidity of thinking that Islamic extremist will leave us alone if we only leave them alone than what has happened in Iraq. Obama pulled every U.S. troop out of Iraq.  Now extremists have overrun the country and are threatening to destroy America, and Obama is less popular than George W. Bush in the Middle East. We should also learn a lesson about giving military equipment to untrustworthy people to fight our battles. It’s sickening to see ISIS driving around in our Humvees and tanks firing our weapons.
So, what are we to do? The time for good options was squandered so we are only left with bad options and really bad options. One really bad option is to do nothing. That would have far reaching consequences around the world and back here at home. Another really bad option is to do what we are doing now: pretending bombing is affective and giving military equipment and training to untrustworthy people to fight our battles.
The least bad option, and the only one I think we are left with, is to send our troops in to wipe these barbarians out and take back our stuff! But before we go in I would get a Status of Forces agreement with the leadership in Iraq that Obama failed to get at the end of the war. That agreement would include the establishment of two permanent U.S. military installations/airfields, one near the border with Iran and one near the border with Syria. Yes, we have to have a presence there. I agree with Victor David Hansen when he said this in a recent Nation Review Online article:
“It is popular to think that America’s threats can be neutralized by occasional use of missiles, bombs, and drones without much cost. But blowing apart a problem for a while is different from ending it for good. The latter aim requires just the sort of unpopular occupations that calmed the Balkans, and had done the same in Iraq by 2011.”
Like it or not, the U.S. is a super-power and a force for good in the world. We must stay engaged on the world stage. We have powerful enemies who will exploit any sign of weakness. The world needs a strong America to keep the peace. Who else is going to do it? France?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Don’t Forget About Iran

With so many things hitting the fan around the world because of Obama’s incompetence, it’s easy to forget about Iran.  With the tough sanctions lifted, the powerful in Iran are stockpiling money so they can afford to make their final push to obtain a nuclear weapon and withstand the inevitable sanctions that will come when it becomes apparent they broke the terms of the agreement to get the sanctions lifted.  They have already missed established deadlines.

What makes me think that, you ask?  I think that because the leaders in Iran are a lying bunch of lunatics who know they could dupe our hapless president.
They would never be stupid enough to use a nuclear weapon, you say.  They won’t have to.  Just threatening to use it will cause to our weak-kneed president to give them anything they want.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The White House Launches a New Sit-Com: Obama’s in Charge

In the new sit-com, Obama’s in Charge, which aired last night at 9:00, Obama plays the part of the leader of the free world.   This is quite a departure from the Urkle-like role he has played the last six years and should really test his acting chops.  Let’s review some of the major laugh lines from last night’s season premiere.

The sit-com starts out with Obama touting his foreign policy “successes” ending with “America is safer”.  It is always good to start out with a strong joke.

Obama follows up the farcical opening with this whopper.  “Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim.”  His use of emphatic statements like “let me be perfectly clear, make no mistake about it, in point of fact, you can take that to the bank”, always sets the audience up for the big laugh which follows.  Saying that ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, is not Islamic is pure comic genius.
One of the biggest laughs of the night came next.  “This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.”  This line must have had our enemies all over the world rolling in the isles.  Obama surely meant this as a parody of George W. Bush.  I swear he said this with a slight southern drawl.
Obama sets up a future comic episode by saying, “I will chair a meeting of the UN Security Council to further mobilize the international community around this effort.”   What makes that so funny is that Russia in on the UN Security Council and has veto power.  He would need Russia to support his efforts.  The same Russia that he says he is smacking down because of its invasion of Ukraine.
Then Obama comically pats himself on his back when he says “This is American leadership at its best: we stand with people who fight for their own freedom; and we rally other nations on behalf of our common security and common humanity.”  American leadership at its best…priceless!
Obama keeps the laughs coming.  He said, “This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.”  Yemen and Somalia are a mess!
Then comes this: “My fellow Americans, we live in a time of great change. Tomorrow marks 13 years since our country was attacked. Next week marks 6 years since our economy suffered its worst setback since the Great Depression.”  What’s funny is he leaves out that the next day would be the two year anniversary of the attacks on our embassy in Benghazi.
 When it seemed he had milked all the comedy out of foreign policy statements, he deftly threw in this domestic joke “our businesses are in the longest uninterrupted stretch of job creation in our history.”
Then, he pivots back to foreign policy by stating “Abroad, American leadership is the one constant in an uncertain world” and “but as Americans, we welcome our responsibility to lead” - This from our lead-from-behind president.
He finishes strongly with “And our own safety — our own security — depends upon our willingness to do what it takes to defend this nation”.  The funny thing is Americans know this, but does Obama?
If this situation weren’t so serious it would be comical.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Deferred Action for 7-Eleven Thieves (DA7-11T)

Let’s say a mayor of a town decides he is not going to use the police to arrest people who rob 7-Elevens. Then, say he makes it an official policy, names the new policy Deferred Action for 7-Eleven Thieves and even assigns an acronym (DA7-11T) to that policy. (Nothing in government is official until it has an acronym.) And say he advertises the new policy on the city’s official website.

Now, you are probably not a Yale and Harvard grad, but what do you think would happen? Do you think there would be an increase in 7-Elevens robbed in that city? Do you think criminals from other cities would come to that city to rob 7-Elevens? And what would you think of the mayor who would take such a irresponsible action?

The following is copied from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website on their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) page 


What Is DACA
On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that certain people who came to the United States as children and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal. They are also eligible for work authorization.
Since this new policy was enacted there have been a flood of children illegally entering the U.S. The president says that this increase in illegals has nothing to do with his policy. He says because of the humanitarian crises that has been created, Republicans need to implement the immigration reform he has been promoting (for a related topic see Killing Mosquitoes).

Does Obama think Americans are stupid? Or maybe the real question is, are Americans that stupid?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Prisoner Swap: The Real Story

If you look at the trade of five high-value Taliban murders to get the release of a deserter and possible traitor it doesn’t make any sense.  The negotiations should have gone something like this:

Taliban Negotiator:  We want the release of five top Taliban leaders from Gitmo or we keep Bergdahl.
Obama:  The guy’s a deserter and a traitor.  I’ll give you a pack of gum and if you’re lucky I won’t chew it first.
Taliban Negotiator:  Throw in a pack of baseball cards and it’s a deal.
Obama:  Done!
It doesn’t make sense if you look at it from the position of what was necessary to get Bergdahl released.  What this trade was really about was Obama getting rid of the most hard-core detainees from Gitmo that under any other circumstance would be political suicide.  All this so he can close Gitmo.   I can hear Obama talking to his most senior advisers now:
Obama:  We can’t close down Gitmo until we get rid of the detainees.  We can probably convince most of the bleeding heart Americans to release the least dangerous prisoners.  But how do we release the ones that are responsible for the death of thousands of Americans and will surely kill more Americans if given the chance, without causing a big stink?
Recent Brown Graduate:  How about making them stand trial in a civil court.
Obama:  We tried that.  They won’t go for it.
Michelle Obama’s College Roommate:  How about moving them to a prison stateside.
Obama:  We tried that.  They won’t go for it.
Top Obama bundler during his last presidential campaign:  I got it!  Does the Taliban still have that traitor, Bergdahl, in Afghanistan?  Let’s use him to get rid of these guys.  I can see the braking news story on MSNBC now, “Our Dear Leader Single-Handily Obtains the Release of an American War Hero”.  We already have gag orders on the people he served with, right?  We can even spin this into a cause for national celebration!  We can invite his parents to the Rose Garden after he is released!  You know, the usual dog and pony show.
Obama:  That’s brilliant!  Let’s make it happen!
This is probably how the negotiations went:
Taliban Negotiator:  How can we get you to take this Jihadi wannabe, Bergdahl, off our hands?  He’s a real pain in the ass with all his “Death to America” chanting all night!  No one can get any sleep!
Obama:  We’ll take back Bergdahl, if you take back all the Taliban we currently hold at Gitmo.
Taliban Negotiator (scratching his beard):  I don’t know.  With you pulling troops out in 2016, we were hoping you would house and feed them until then, when we can really use them.
Obama:  That’s a problem.  I really need something to knock the VA scandal out of the headlines.
Taliban Negotiator (shaking his head):  Yeah, we heard about that?  We don’t even treat your military that bad.
Obama:  Look, how about you take ten Taliban.
Taliban Negotiator:  Five.
Obama:  OK, but they have to be five of the worst scum we have there.
Taliban Negotiator:  Done!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Bundy Ranch Standoff

I must be honest; I have not been following the Bundy Ranch story very closely.  But I have come away with two observations from what little I do know:

1.       It seems the feds are more concerned about what the Bundy family is doing than what’s happening at the border.
2.       It seems that Americans are starting to learn from their President that if you don’t like a law just ignore it.

Obama/Democrat Election Year Checklist
Pander to the following:
ü      Women
ü      Sign useless executive orders and tout bills advertised to ensure women are paid the same a men that actually help only lawyers
ü      Explain that there are other legitimate reasons for women on Obama’s White House staff to get paid less than the men but deny those reasons exist outside the White House
ü      Make sure people are not aware that it has been against the law for employers to discriminate against women since 1963
ü      Claim Republicans are waging a war on women
ü      African Americans
ü      You don’t have to do anything for them (they will vote for you no matter how much your policies hurt them)
ü      Call Republicans racists
ü      Latinos
ü      Introduce an amnesty bill providing illegal aliens, education, healthcare, room and board, and make the Republicans vote against it so you can call them racists
ü      Call Republicans racists
ü      Jews
ü      Do anything short of calling for the direct bombing of Israel and they will vote for you
ü      The Young
ü      Give speeches about your plans for a socialist utopia to college kids and promise them a bunch of free stuff
ü      Indoctrinate them before they enter the real world outside of school
ü      Make sure they don’t know they will have to pay for all the free stuff eventually, and then some
ü      Make a joke about a pickle (apparently they think that is hilarious)
ü      Senior Citizens
ü      Blame Republicans for ending Medicare and Social Security while you continue to take millions of dollars from Medicare and Social Security
ü      Claim Republicans want the old to die in the streets
ü      The Poor
ü      Force a vote to raise the federal minimum wage
ü      Ensure people are not aware that there will be less minimum jobs available and that most states already have minimum wages above the purposed federal minimum wage
ü      Make them resent people  who have more than they do
ü      Say Republicans don’t care about the poor
ü      99% of the Population
ü      Make them resent people  who have more than they do
ü      Promise to confiscate the property of rich Americans to make things fair
ü      Hope they don’t find out just how stupid and helpless you think the typical American is

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mission Accomplished

My Friend

I was talking to a friend who said he voted for Romney but had to hold his nose while doing so because he believed Romney only cared about the rich.

So let’s do a little thought experiment.  Who cares more about their fellow Americans; a) a wealthy person who donates 1.4% of their annual income to charity or b) a wealthy person who donates 16% of their annual income to charity?  (The national average is 3%.)
Now answer this question.  Who cares more about their fellow Americans; a) Joe Biden or b) Mitt Romney?
If you answered b) to the first question but a) to the second, you are probably not alone.
Turns out Biden gave a little over $5000 to charities in 2010 while Romney gave millions.  Biden is notoriously stingy.  Before becoming VP Biden donated an average of $369 a year to charity.  Romney, on the other hand, has given generously to charities throughout his life.  In fact, he donated his entire inheritance from his father to Brigham Young University.
So, who cares more about their fellow Americans?  I think they both care about Americans.  Surprised by my answer?  I think they both care but address the issue differently.  In general, liberals believe it is the federal government’s job to force other Americans to provide for the needy while conservatives believe the constitution severely limits what the federal government can do with regards to benevolent acts and delegates that responsibility to the states or directly to the people (see Constitution or Bust).
Believe it or not, conservations are not the mean, cold-hearted people liberals make us out to be.  Romney is not a greedy rich guy who doesn’t care about anyone but the rich.  We just believe that making charity a federal entitlement is destructive to society.
For thoughts on a related topic see Imagine.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama Skirts the Issue

Obama sent a crack team into China to ensure China doesn’t get any ideas after watching Putin waltz into Crimea.  The team is made up of his wife, his daughters, and his mother-in-law.
I feel much better now.

Obama Putin His Foot in His Mouth

Who is America’s number one geopolitical foe? For a clue watch the following:

(The definition of geopolitics: The study of geographic influences on power relationships in international politics. Geopolitical theorists have sought to demonstrate the importance in the determination of foreign policies of considerations such as the acquisition of natural boundaries, access to important sea routes, and the control of strategically important land areas.)

For some more fun watch Kerry (our Secretary of State) being clueless:

Here’s Chris Matthews embarrassing himself: 

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Audacity of the Dope

When a citizen told Obama that he could not afford to buy Obama Care because he didn’t make enough money, Obama suggested he stop paying for cable. I can’t believe his audacity. The federal government doesn’t take in enough money to pay its bills but they still pay for Public Television and Radio!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

All Is Well

Why does Obama remind me of Kevin Beacon in Animal House lately?

Step Aside, President Obama

The time is ripe for a strong Republican leader to just start making “State of the Union” type speeches laying out a path forward for America. The leaders around the world are rushing to fill the void left by Obama’s lack of leadership and it is time for a republican in this country to do the same.

A speech like this would be a good start:
The time is now for the country to start planning to restore the integrity, fiscal responsibility, and military might of the United States of America.  We must be ready to act the day after President Obama steps down from office.  There will be no time to waste.
First, to counter the leverage Vladimir Putin has over Europe due of their reliance on Russian oil supplied by pipelines through the Ukraine, we should lift restrictions on drilling for oil on public lands.  Waivers of onerous fracking regulations should be granted.  If building the Keystone pipeline has not been started and is still an option, approval should be granted immediately.  This would also weaken the bad actors in the Middle East.
We need to get our fiscal house in order.  To that end Baseline Budgeting should be eliminated.  I would ask Paul Ryan to work with members of Congress to prepare budgets that balance the federal budget in 10 years.  These budgets should be written and ready for approval on day one of the new administration.  The elimination of redundant or ineffective programs should be considered a high priority.
Obamacare should be repealed and replaced.  To that end, I will work with Dr. Ben Carson and the Save Our Healthcare Project to consult with congress to devise a new healthcare plan that is patient-centered and will allow every American access to the best, most affordable care in the world.
A bill instituting a fair or flat tax system should be prepared.  The new tax system should eliminate all loopholes used by the rich and corporations to avoid paying taxes.  In conjunction with these changes the corporate tax rate should be lowered.
We should increase the size and strength of the US military.  “Peace through Strength” should once again be our goal.  Government investments in “shovel-ready jobs” should be geared toward ensuring an overwhelming technologically-advanced military.  Federal job training programs should be coordinated through the branches of our military. 
Our whole foreign policy should be “reset”.  I would ask John Bolton to help devise a policy that would rebuild our relationships with our true allies.  Foreign aid to nations that openly counter American interests should be reevaluated.  Our level of involvement with the U.N. should also be reevaluated.  Relationships with allies like Israel and Eastern Europe should be rebuilt starting with exporting ballistic missile defense systems to these countries. The United States of America should once again be an ally's best friend and an enemy’s worst nightmare.
Republicans currently hold only one house of congress.  This should not preclude them from readying bills for passage even if they do not get voted on in the Senate.  If republicans gain control of the Senate in 2014, these bills should be approved in the Senate even if they face a certain veto by Obama.  Getting them passed now is not the goal.  Getting bills ready for a Republican president in 2016 to sign on his first day in office is the goal.  With President Obama willfully presiding over the decline of American until 2016, swift and certain action will be needed to reverse this trend.
America's best days lay ahead if we are willing to act now.
God Bless America.

The World Burns...

Sochi Bear

Monday, February 10, 2014

The I-word

Republicans in congress seem averse to considering impeaching the president. I think they believe there would be a political backlash based on the public’s reaction to the impeachment of Clinton. If that is true, they should be more concerned about performing their role in the checks and balances our founding fathers intended when they created the co-equal branches of government, than backlash.
Impeaching a president because he lied about having sex with an intern is in no way comparable to impeaching a president who refuses to do what he is constitutionally obligated to do.
Article II, Section 4 of the constitution stipulates in that a president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”. Treason and bribery are easily understood. But what are “high crimes and misdemeanors” as it relates to impeachment.
The constitutional convention adopted the phrase from English Common Law with which they were all familiar. The English parliament had used “high crimes and misdemeanors” as one of the reasons to impeach officials of the crown. “High”, in this case, does not mean “serious” but offenses perpetrated by those in high office. These “crimes and misdemeanors” do not have to be illegal, just a demonstration of a serious abuse of power or an abuse of the public trust.
The president takes an oath to” faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”. Article II, Section 3, of the constitution contains what is known as the Take Care Clause. This clause states the President must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed” even if he disagrees with the purpose of the law. Obama has clearly demonstrated that he will enforce only the laws, or portions of the laws he likes. He openly admits he thinks he does not need Congress to do what he wants to do and will act unilaterally. Examples of this include:
  • Obama ordered all U.S. attorneys to stop charging nonviolent, non-gang-related drug defendants involved with crimes that carry mandatory sentences instead of persuading Congress to change mandatory drug sentences.
  • Obama directed the immigration service to cease proceedings against young illegal immigrants brought here as children when Congress refused to pass the Dream Act.
  • Obama illegally waived the work requirements from the established law called the Welfare Reform Act.
The breach of his oath alone should qualify as an abuse of power and abuse of the public trust and should qualify him for impeachment.
But wait, there’s more!
Obama sicced the departments of the executive branch on his political opponents to further his political agenda or to punish his perceived enemies. Examples include:
  • The IRS suppressed conservative groups from raising money to oppose Obama’s candidacy
  • Obama accused a U.S. citizen of causing the uprising in Libya which cost the lives of four Americans so he wouldn’t look bad prior to the last presidential election. This citizen was thrown in jail on unrelated charges even though recent facts in the case clearly indicate that the actions of that U.S. citizen had nothing to attack in Benghazi and the administration knew it at the time of the attack.
  • The NSA was caught monitoring AP reporters and a Fox News reporter
  • The Obama Justice department indicted a filmmaker, who made a film critical of Obama, for improper campaign contributions
  • The Obama Justice department is suing Standard & Poor’s for its involvement in the financial crises in 2008. Although Moody’s and Fitch were also involved, only S&P is included in the lawsuit. It also happens that only S&P downgraded the credit rating of the U.S. in 2011 at which time Obama’s Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, told S&P chairman Harold McGraw that S&P’s decision would be “looked at very carefully” and would prompt “a response from the government”.
Senator Obama was very critical of the power President George W. Bush wielded as demonstrated in the video below.

But the taste of power changes everything.

Obama is out of control. If this president does not deserved to be impeached, what would it take: driving women off a bridge and leaving her to die?
Future presidents will know Congress is unwilling to stop presidential abuses of power if Obama is not held accountable for his behavior. This should make even liberals worry. He won’t be president forever. We may even have an evil Republican president. It will be too late by then to claim the president is shredding the constitution or restricting our liberties.
It is the job of Congress to check the power of the president. If Congress doesn't do their jobs, they should be removed from office at the very next election.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Whistling Dixie

Doesn’t anyone else notice how Obama whistles when he talks! It drives me crazy yet no one else mentions it!

The Fourth Estate takes the Fifth

The media has a critical role in the protection of our liberties from an obtrusive central government. In trying to protect Obama from any criticism, the press has abdicated its responsibility as watch dog for the people. It will be harder and harder to rein in future presidents the more the media allow Obama to abuse the power of his office.
I argue that Snowden would have leaked the information he obtained to the US press in anonymity if he thought they would use the information to hold this administration accountable. Instead he felt he needed to go to Russia and China. Why do you think he took the course of action he did?
The media was all too willing to release classified information they obtained from informants, protect their sources, and collect their Pulitzers when George Bush was in office. But this president isn’t a Republican. I fear it will be worse if Hillary is elected. The media is already paving the way for her election with articles that white-wash the Benghazi scandal.
There is a long list of people responsible for this devastating period in our country’s history: from Socialist Democrats to weak-kneed Republicans. Included in the list has to be the media. But don’t expect to hear this addressed by reporters, they’re taking the fifth.
P.S. Make no mistake: I am not making excuses for Snowden. He is a traitor and should be treated as such.