The following democratic talking points need to be addressed and refuted:
It is the failed policies of the Bush administration that ruin the economy
The RNC needs to show how most of the problems we face today can be traced back to the sub-prime loans pushed by democrats and how the heads of Fannie Mae and ACORN were complicit.
We have tried tax cuts and they don’t work
The public should know how the tax cuts brought us out of the recessions inherited from the Clinton administration and the economic issues caused by 9/11.
The budget that President Obama is going to sign soon is just taking care of last year’s business
It was a democratic congress that put together this budget along with its 9000 earmarks. When the democratic talking heads say they are just cleaning up last year’s business they are trying to make people think that this budget is tied to President Bush. Republicans should hold President Obama accountable to his campaign promises and demand he not sign the budget.
The RNC better act and act fast. They should pay for infomercials and put videos on the internet. Put the information out there as many times as it takes to make people at least think before they take as true everything the democrats say.
And one more thing…don’t be afraid to call them what they are, socialists. The democrats have us afraid to use the word. The mere fact that they complain when we use the S-word means we should use it more.
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