Monday, December 22, 2014


I am not surprised that Obama normalized relations with Cuba. After all, he’s a Socialist. (Yes, I called him a Socialist because he is a Socialist. Can we once and for all get over the fear of calling him a Socialist as I suggested in “Michael Steele…Better Get in Gear”. It should be clear to everyone he believes in the principle formulated by Marx, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. And we know how he feels about central government control. So, let’s get over it and start calling a spade a spade.)
I am also not surprised by the reaction of the media. They are acting like this is a major accomplishment. This Week’s George Snuffleupagus called it a historic breakthrough: maybe for Raul Castro! He is back in his country declaring victory. Someone likened Obama’s action to the Berlin Wall coming down. Really!? The wall came down because Reagan was able to get Gorbachev to concede: not the other way around! And on the same show Cokie Roberts said normalization with Cuba was good because it will help big business. When a liberal thinks it a good idea to help big business regardless of human rights violations you know something’s up.
What I am surprised about is the extent to which Obama is taken advantage of by foreign leaders. He unilaterally made a major concession and got nothing in return. Sad.

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