Friday, January 9, 2015

Hopalong Christie

Many Eagles, Jets, Giants fans are upset with Chris Christie for sitting in Jerry Jones’ box and routing for the stinking Cowboys (I’m an Eagles fan).  Many think it will hurt him if he runs for president.  I agree but not for the reason most people mention.  I think it will hurt him because of how he acts while he watches the game.  It’s embarrassing.

Christie is known for his bromances: First with Obama in the aftermath of Sandy, and now with Jerry Jones.  That’s bad enough but he always looks like the needy, starved for attention partner in the relationship.  Check out this video of Christie and Obama:

Now watch this video of Christie trying to get a hug from Jerry Jones:

Can you imagine what it would be like to elect someone like this to a position known as the leader of the free world?  I can.  Checkout my photoshop:



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