Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lessons from the Election

Democrats and Republican seem to agree. I hear people from both parties suggesting that the GOP has to “reach out” to Latinos; they should “care more” about women’s issues; they should “be sensitive to” the plight of African Americans.
And how should the GOP “reach out” and “care more” and “be sensitive to” these constituents? By giving them “free” things. That used to be called pandering. It has now become the accepted way of winning elections. Democrats are great at it. It fits into their “everyone is a victim” and their “big government is the answer to every problem” mentality. I fear that the Republicans have learned the wrong lesson from this election and are going to join the” pander party”.
Do I blame our politicians for this? Not anymore. Not since the election. I blame you, the American people.
“Free” things aren’t really free. They are paid for by the dwindling number of taxpayers left in the country. And there are not enough of us with enough money to pay for what we currently owe let alone any new “free” giveaways. This spending will surely destroy our once great country. Let’s look at those who were willing to put their own self interest in front of their country’s by voting for Obama.
If you voted for Obama you probably fit into one of the following categories (although being in one of the categories doesn’t necessarily mean you voted for Obama – read that again carefully):

  • Women who think they deserve “free” abortions and birth control pills because they are unwilling to be responsible for their own behavior. Funny how strong, independent women don’t want the government interfering in their personal lives unless it means getting “free” things.
  • Men who sleep with women and are unwilling to be responsible for their own behavior. They rather have the women get “free” contraceptives and abortions.
  • Young people who don’t think they should have to work their way through college. Young people who insist they want the “college experience” so they live at a college they can’t afford. Young people who want to be treated like adults but want the government to force insurance companies to cover them on their mommy and daddy’s insurance plan. Young people who have been so coddled by their parents they cannot function on their own.
  • Latinos who believe breaking the law should have no consequences. Latinos who think that by entering this country they should be entitled to all the “free” things other shameless Americans are getting.
  • People paying no federal income taxes. People who have been on government assistance programs for an extended period of time and have no intention of getting off the government dole anytime soon.

To me the symbol of pandering is the “Obama Phone”. Your “Obama Phone” might be some “cash” for your “clunker”, food stamps, or money to buy solar panels. This does not have anything to do with race, creed, color or sexual orientation. It has everything to do with selfishness. What’s your “Obama phone”?

Even if we could afford all this spending, spending other people’s money on these things is unconstitutional (see Constitution or Bust).
Alexis de Tocqueville is quoted as saying, "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money” (see Was Karl Marx Right). You tell me. After this election, do you think the American Republic will endure?
Not everyone who voted for Obama was paid off. Some were just duped. You don’t have to be stupid to be duped. You just have to want something to be true, badly enough. If you voted for Obama you might have been duped and fall into one of these categories:
  • Women who were fooled into thinking there are not already laws in place against discriminating against women by paying them less and that the Lilly Ledbetter act was designed to help them and not lawyers (see If You Knew Lilly, Like I Know Lilly).
  • People who incorrectly think Obama saved GM from going bankrupt (see Say it Ain’t So, Joe).
  • People who believed Obama when he said he created 5 million jobs (see A Sucker’s Bet).
  • People who believed Obama when he said he wants to unite our country (see Remember , You’re My President, Too).
  • People who think that since bin Laden is dead we no longer have to fear Islamic extremists.
  • People who believe that we can stop climate change. The earth is billions of years old, during which time the planet’s climate has been constantly changing. These people think that the current climate, the climate the earth has during, say, Al Gore’s lifetime, is the correct climate. They believe we should do whatever it takes, no matter how destructive to people currently living on the planet, to keep the climate as it is now, forever.
Then there are the other people who voted for Obama who are just despicable. They fall into these categories:
  • Rich liberals who would rather feel good about themselves by electing people to take someone else’s money to fix the country’s problems rather than spending their own money directly (see Imagine).
  • People who are just plan jealous of people who are more successful then they. People who miserably think ‘If I can’t have it, no one should have it”, even if it destroys the country.
I am proud to say I did not take rank with the people I described above. Only time will tell how destructive this election will be to our country. I am afraid once we find out, it will be too late to do anything about it. I do not believe there will be a politician brave enough to try to take people’s “Obama phones” away. This election may have been our last chance.

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