Sunday, November 4, 2012

This Election Shouldn't Even Be Close

    How incompetent and divisive is the Obama executive branch? Let us count the ways:
    1. The Obama Justice Department dropped a case against the New Black Panther party members accused of voter intimidation after the case as already prosecuted and won by the Bush Justice Department.
    2. The Obama Justice Department considered reopening cases that exonerated CIA agents for their interrogation techniques. (These same interrogations provided information that would later lead to the killing of Osama bin Laden.)
    3. The Obama Justice Department sued the states of South Carolina, Alabama, and Arizona trying to enforce immigration laws.
    4. The Obama Justice Department is suing companies for requiring documentation from their non-US citizen employees to ensure they are in the country legally.
    5. The Catholic Church is suing the Obama Administration for infringing on their religious rights.
    6. The Obama Justice Department cannot stop the flow of information to the public of classified information such as the US Cyber attack on Iran and information on drone attacks on terrorists.
    7. Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, was held in Contempt of Court for refusing to release certain information to Congress on a program called “Fast and Furious” in which guns were provided to Mexican drug lords by the US ATF which led to the death of a US Border Patrol agent. The Obama Administration is now claiming Executive Privilege to protect that information from becoming public.
    8. The economy remains a mess.
    9. The president turns poor against rich, black against white, etc.  In short he turns American against American.
    10. The Arab Spring has turned into an Arab nightmare.
    11. Four Americans have been killed by terrorists and nothing is done.
    12. Joe Biden
But what will Mitt Romney do?  Who cares?  Could he really do worst than President Obama?  And if he does, or things don't get better, we'll throw him out in four years.

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