They say if you want to boil a frog you don’t
throw it into a pot of boiling water because it will just jump out. To boil a
frog you should put it in a pot of cool water and gradually raise the
temperature until the water starts boiling. By the time the frog notices what’s
going on it is too late.
For years the Democrats have been turning up
the heat. They are continuing to move us to a European Socialist, government
dependent, bankrupt country. The Republicans have unwittingly performed their
part of this sick dance by slowing the Democrats down enough that the frog
remains clueless.
Now Obama wants to really crank up the heat and
the Republicans are scurrying around trying to slow him down. All that will do
is allow Barack “The-Buck-Stops-Here” Obama to blame Republicans when things
take a turn for the worse.
It is time to get out of this destructive cycle
and go “all in”. Here’s my plan. The frog voted for Obama. Give the frog what
it wants. Every Republican should vote “present” on all domestic, fiscal
bills. Taxes on the rich: “present”. More “investments” and “stimulus”
spending: “present”. More giveaways: “present”. Republicans couldn’t possibly
be held to blame when all hell breaks loose (no matter how hard Obama and the
Main-stream media try). And those Republicans who pledged not to vote to raise
taxes can honor their pledge.
Republicans believe if Obama gets everything he
wants he will wreck the economy. I believe that. The only way to save our
country from its slow, suicidal march is let the Democrats turn up the heat so
much that the frog wakes up and jumps out of the pot, hopefully in 2014, before
too much irreparable damage is done.
Maybe when we hit bottom, the 99% will realize
that “sticking it to the rich” really does hurt them as well. Maybe when our
credit rating takes another hit, businesses, both small and large, will try to
educate the people (like the founder of Home Depot tried to do before the last
election). Maybe if things get bad enough, the Republicans who stayed home on
the last election day will get off their asses and vote in the next election.
And maybe, just maybe, sensible Americans will admit that it is not the
government’s job to take care of us from cradle to grave, and to give us
everything from cell phones to Big Bird.
If the Republicans let Obama turn up the heat
as I suggest and the frog does not jump out of the pot, what then? Then we get
to where we are heading anyway, just a few years sooner. It’s now or never.
Are you ready to go all in?
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