Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Ben Affleck Syndrome

Ben Affleck said recently, Romney's inability to connect with everyday Americans will cost him the election. He said, “Romney just had such trouble coming off as just like the kind of person you see at the grocery store”. I have heard people complain that Romney is unable to empathize with people because of his upbringing.

That got me to thinking. When you hire a plumber, do you care if his parents were poor immigrants or just that he can fix your leak? When you hire an accountant, do you hire the guy you would think “feels your pain” or the guy that knows tax laws? When you select a surgeon, do you think about whether she’s had the same affliction so she can relate to your situation, or do you seek out the most qualified person? For that matter, when you go to the movies, do you go to see actors who you can relate to or an actor who is good at his craft?

I think I know the answers to those questions. But when it comes to hiring a person for arguably the most important job in the world, we vote for the person we would most like to have a beer with. Beautiful.

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