When you said during you’re acceptance speech "To those Americans whose support I have yet to earn - I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president too," I believed you.
But today you incite Americans to confront those who have different views than yours, but you’re their president, too.
When you vilify wealth creators in this country, remember, you’re their president, too.
People in the states of South Carolina, Alabama, and Arizona that you sued for trying to enforce immigration laws, you’re their president, too.
People in Pennsylvania that you say “cling to guns or religion,” you’re their president, too.
When you tell Latinos to “punish our enemies”, meaning Republicans, and when you tell Republicans that “they can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back”, remember, you’re their president, too.
When you said that you “did not watch the rally” of over 300,000 people in Washington on anniversary of Dr. King's speech, remember, you’re their president, too.
Americans who work hard, make good decisions, and want to help their fellow Americans the way they see fit without the federal government distributing their hard-earned money, you’re their president, too.
Americans who think that the federal government has grown outside the confines stipulated in the Constitution, you’re their president, too.
Instead, you seem to be leading Americans against Americans. You may think doing that is the path to reelection by in the end it is only weakening our country.
And, although you may not agree with me, remember, you’re my president, too.