Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Fearless “Lead-From-Behind” Leader

Let’s face facts. President Obama is pathetic. He is. I’m sorry. He is. President Obama holds the office once known as “The Leader of the Free World”. Does anyone really think of President Obama as the Leader of the Free World? Let’s look at the facts.
His excuses for the economy he was elected to fix include: Bush, the tsunami in Japan, oil prices, speculator­s, corporate Jet owners, corporatio­ns sitting on money, ATM's and the Internet, the Tea Party, Republican­s, Big Oil, insurance companies, pharmaceut­ical companies, tax cuts, Wall Street fat cats, unrest in the Middle East, European economies, Fox news, talk radio - to name a few. Pathetic.
A new phrase had to be coined just to protect him from any fallout from his decision to bomb Libya, “Lead from behind”. Does anyone really know what that even means?
President Obama is going to get tough on Syria. How, you ask? He is establishing an Atrocities Prevention Board. An Atrocities Prevention Board! Pathetic.
He is letting Hillary Clinton take the fall for the Benghazi debacle that cost four American lives - so much for “the buck stops here”.
When he finally does do something decisive, he claims he was forced. When President Obama agreed on extending tax cuts and unemployment insurance, he likened it to negotiating with hostage-takers and being forced to agree so that the hostages, the American people, were not harmed. He couldn’t even deal with his own Congress. Pathetic. This is the guy we expect to stare down Ahmadinejad?
Now a real crisis faces this country. There is just not enough revenue for the federal government to keep spending at its current rate. What does our leader do? He launches into his tired old “fairness” diatribe to stir up class warfare. His only answer is the Buffet rule. Really? According to the Congressional Budget Office President Obama’s Buffett Rule will raise $3.2 billion per year. As Mark Steyn points out, that is “what the United States government currently borrows every 17 hours. So in 514 years it will have raised enough additional revenue to pay off the 2011 federal budget deficit. If you want to mark it on your calendar, 514 years is the year 2526.”
It is so pathetically clear what President Obama is doing. He refuses to put a budget out that substantially cuts the federal government. His 2013 budget proposal was unanimously shot down in the House, 0-414. Then he has the gall to criticize Paul Ryan’s plan. Even when he had majorities in both the House and Senate, no budget was signed. (I don’t count the first budget he signed when he took office because he claimed that although he thought it spent too much, he was just finishing up the previous year’s business. In other words, it was President Bush’s fault.) He doesn’t want anyone to be able to say that President Obama cut your – insert your favorite federal government giveaway here – to any potential voter. Instead he will pick a fight with 1% of the population to pander to the other 99% in hopes of getting reelected even though it is clear this will not fix the problem. Pathetic.
We need a leader to help lead us out of this mess; someone who is willing to make the hard decisions necessary to get this country back on track. A leader that our enemies fear and our allies trust. We better get someone soon.

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