Thursday, February 26, 2015

Obama’s “Fairness” Doctrine

I originally wrote this on July 21, 2009 but never posted it.  With all the hubbub about Giuliani saying Obama doesn’t love America, I thought I would share it with you now. 
Why is President Obama pushing for policies that seem to be obviously bad for America?  I don’t think he hates America.  I don’t think he wants big government just for the sake of big government.  I think it all boils down to his obsession with making everything “fair”.
Is it fair that some people have more than others?  Is it fair that some people have insurance for healthcare and others do not?  Is it fair that CEOs make so much more than the average worker?  Now, you may believe that, unfortunately, life is not fair and it is not the federal government’s job to make it fair.  You may believe that it is not fair for the government to take the fruits of your labor and forcibly share them with others as they see fit.  And you may think that our Constitution was written to ensure equal opportunity, not equal outcome.  But, apparently, Obama thinks he should use the power of the federal government to make things “fair”.
In almost every case Obama’s solution to this “unfairness” seems to be to bring those more “fortunate” down to reduce the gap between “Haves” - and “Have-nots”.  The aphorism that “a rising tide lifts all boats” is not in Obama’s lexicon because there would still be some boats that are bigger than others.
And his plans do not stop at the country’s borders.  Is it fair that the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world?  Is it fair that we consume so much?  Is it fair that are standard of living is so high.  Is it fair we are the world’s sole super-power?
I am afraid that Obama, and people who think like Obama, will not be happy until American exceptionalism is a thing of the past.

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