Thursday, February 19, 2015

NBC’s Matchup of the Week

Al Michaels:  Good evening, everyone.  Welcome to tonight’s matchup between Team USA and Team Islamic Extremists.  Chris, Team USA has been the perennial favorite but has fallen off significantly in the standings over the last few years. 

Cris Collinsworth:  Team USA has enlisted a bunch of inexperienced people who just don’t seem to have the answers to counter Team Islamic Extremists’ offense.  And it doesn’t help that when I asked Team USA about their opponent they didn’t seem to know who they were going up against.  Not one person on the team could name their opponent.  There seems to be a lack of badly-needed leadership. 

Al Michaels:  I agree, Chris.  On the other hand, the Islamic Extremists have been gaining confidence which has allowed them to recruit a lot of new players.  It wasn’t long ago they were down and out and only the hard-core supporters wanted to be associated with them.   Now that they are riding high every Taheem, Dhakir, and Harith wants to join their team.  Let’s take a look at the starting lineups for both teams.

Cris Collinsworth:  Should be an interesting matchup. 

Al Michaels:  I think it’s going to come down to who wants it more.

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