Thursday, December 12, 2013

Man the Pitchforks!

It has been decided. Obama is going to finish out the rest of his term using class warfare to keep his approval numbers up.
Unfortunately, this has been a very successful tactic for him. He will use his community organizing skills because he is incapable of persuading or negotiating with people with whom he disagrees. He will pass out the torches and pitchforks to the needy and sic them on those who have more.
This will all be done under the guise of correcting the “income inequality” in this country. But who is to blame for this inequality. He has been president for almost six years.
His attacks on businesses, over-regulation, ObamaCare, and increases in the minimum wage, all stifle job creation. Increased spending on food stamps, social security disability claims, Obama phones, extended unemployment benefits, all decrease incentives to work. This exacerbates the unemployment problem.
In the meantime, he continues his policy of quantitative easing which is artificially keeping the stock market bubble growing. This policy increases the wealth of those who have millions of dollars to spend in the stock market.
So, Obama worsens the unemployment problem, makes the rich richer with manipulations of the stock market, then tells the people he’s going to reduce the income gap.
Man the pitchforks!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

More or Less

You’re probably wondering, “How does Obamacare affect me?”
That’s a good question but you probably can figure out the answer by asking yourself some questions:
You are in charge of an insurance company and the government has generated a list of minimum requirements for insurance plans. Some of the plans you provide do not meet the government’s minimum requirements (such as paying for pre-natal care, breast exams, mental health services, etc.).
Are you more or less likely to continue selling those policies illegally even if those policies suit your customers’ needs?
Do you charge customers more or less money for plans that provide the increased coverage stipulated by the government?
To try to keep premium increases down, are you more or less likely to pay for customers to see specialists?
You are a business owner. You are now obligated to provide a health care plan for all employees who work over 30 hours a week or pay a penalty?
Are you more or less likely to hire new employees?
If you have to hire new employees, will you be more or less likely to hire part-time workers?
The penalty for not providing health care plans for your employees is far less than the cost of providing a health care benefit. If you are currently paying for health care plans for your employees and there are now state healthcare exchanges available for them to access, are you more or less likely to continue providing the health care benefit.
You are a doctor. The requirements to participate in Obamacare plans are onerous, costly, and take significant time away from treating patients.
Are you more or less likely to treat patients with Obamacare plans?
You are an average American worker who has a low cost insurance plan that suits your needs from the individual market or from your employer and you like the doctor you are currently seeing.
Are you more or less likely to be screwed by Obamacare?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Naivete

I must admit my naiveté.  I did not know the full extent to which this administration was willing to go to get reelected when I wrote 10 Steps to Get Yourself Reelected President if You Are a Democrat.  I have updated the steps based on recent revelations.

12 Steps to Get Yourself Reelected President if You Believe the Ends Justifies the Means to get Reelected
  1. Garner a fawning press. 
  2. Promise to give away a bunch of “free” stuff.
  3. Use the IRS to silence your opposition.
  4. Lie about key events and policy initiatives such as Benghazi and Obamacare to keep approval numbers from dropping.
  5. Direct the Census Bureau to fudge the unemployment numbers to get them below 8% knowing that no president has gotten reelected with unemployment numbers above 8%.  (The reported unemployment numbers drop from 8.1% to 7.8% one month before the election.)
  6. Ensure no voter ID laws are in place prior to the election.
  7. Persuade Democratic Governors to establish early voting to maximize chances of voter fraud in your favor.
  8. Do everything possible to ensure mail-in ballots from military personnel are not received in time or counted.
  9. Use any data base at your disposal to identify likely Democratic voters (such as the NSA Prism data base).
  10. Use federally-funded groups such as ACORN and AmeriCorps to get those people registered to vote, and to the polls.  Bribe potential voters with booze, cigarettes, or money if necessary.
  11. Target these efforts in the big cities of major swing states (a win in a big city can swing the whole state).  Remove Republican poll watchers from polls if possible as was done in Philadelphia.  (Romney got zero votes in 59 districts in Philadelphia and 9 districts in Cleveland.)
  12. Send lawyers to key areas to sue if steps one through nine are unsuccessful.
New polling shows that Romney may have won the election if it were not for the Banana Republic tactics of this administration.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

He Can’t Help Himself

Obama gave the Medal of Honor to former Army captain William D. Swenson for his actions in a six hour battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan four years ago, in which five Americans, 10 Afghan army troops and an interpreter were killed.
Obama recounted how the captain risked his life to recover bodies and help save fellow troops. "Will Swenson was there for his brothers," Obama said.
Everything was going fine but then he just couldn’t help himself. He had to take a swipe at Republicans because of the current budget and debt ceiling negotiations.
"I think our nation needs this ceremony today,” Obama said.  "In moments like this, Americans like Will remind us of what our country can be at its best, a nation of citizens who look out for one another, who meet our obligations to one another not just when it's easy, but also when it's hard — maybe especially when it's hard," Obama said. "And, Will, you're an example to everyone in this city and to our whole country of the professionalism and patriotism that we should strive for, whether we wear a uniform or not, not just on particular occasions but all the time."
Sounds like a thinly veiled knock on Republicans during a Medal of Honor ceremony! to me.  What do you think?  Sounds like he is really saying, “If only Republicans in Congress would do their jobs. You’re an example to every one of these negligent Republicans in this city."
The only person in Washington who needs to learn something from a hero who helped save troops and ensured no one was left behind is our Commander-in-Chief. He left four Americans to die in Benghazi.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

American’s Crosswalk Mentality

If you want a good example of how a government entitlement affects people’s behavior in a negative way, pay attention to people walking in crosswalks.

Before government made it your “right” to walk in front of a moving car, people would typically hustle across the way, and maybe even give you a little wave because you stopped to let them cross. Not anymore.

Now, it seems, some people actually slow down when using a crosswalk. Some will stare at you as if to dare you to not let them pass. Some do not even look, thinking that they are fully protected by government.

Every once in a while you will see someone quicken their pace and thank you for stopping. If you do I bet you dollars to doughnuts they are not liberal democrats.

Chicago Thug

Obama says he will not negotiate with Republicans unless his healthcare plan remains untouched, the debt ceiling is raised, and there are no mandatory budget cuts.

That is like a union boss who says he is willing to negotiate to end a strike if his health care benefits are untouched, he gets more money, and doesn’t have to agree to cut any spending.

Is it any wonder Congress is not getting anywhere?

Monday, July 8, 2013

An Open Letter to Marco Rubio

I have heard you say that illegal immigrants have de facto amnesty now and something should be done. I have also heard you defend your immigration bill by saying it is not amnesty because you make illegal immigrants jump through many hoops on the path to citizenship.
Let me tell you what Schumer, Menendez, and other Democrats you’re ganging up with are not telling you.
  • The illegal immigrants (illegals for short) already here will not bother jumping through the hoops you have set up for them if it is as hard as you say because, as you so often point out, they already have de facto amnesty. If this bill becomes law, it will only attract new low skilled workers to flood into America.
  • If the illegals already in the country do not apply for work permits and remain here illegally, they will not be deported. If we don’t deport them now because of all the bleeding heart liberal reasons the Democrats put forth, no one will have the guts to deport them in the future just because of a new law. The Dems know this, you are acting clueless.
  • Once illegals are working here legally, unions will swoop in and unionize them. Schumer knows they will all become reliable, dues-paying Democrats. He’s thinking ahead. You’re not.
  • All the tough border enforcement requirements and other measures you put in to make conservatives happy will simply be ignored and not executed by the President. He will enforce all the carrots and none of the sticks as he has already demonstrated in the past.
You are being taken advantage of like a little, naive, school boy. The fact that the likes of Schumer, Menendez, and I’ll throw in McCain, support this should tell you all you need to know.
Get out of this mess while you still can. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 Steps to Get Yourself Reelected President if You Are a Democrat

  1. Garner a fawning press.
  2. Promise to give away a bunch of “free” stuff.
  3. Use the full power of Executive Branch to intimidate and silence your opposition.
  4. Ensure no voter ID laws are in place prior to the election.
  5. Persuade Democratic Governors to establish early voting to maximize chances of voter fraud in your favor.
  6. Do everything possible to ensure mail-in ballots from military personnel are not received in time or counted.
  7. Use any data base at your disposal to identify likely Democratic voters (such as the NSA Prism data base).
  8. Use federally-funded groups such as ACORN and AmeriCorps to get those people registered to vote, and to the polls. Bribe potential voters with booze, cigarettes, or money if necessary.
  9. Target these efforts in the big cities of major swing states (a win in a big city can swing the whole state). Remove Republican poll watchers from polls if possible as was done in Philadelphia. (Romney got zero votes in 52 districts in Philadelphia.)
  10. Send lawyers to key areas to sue if steps one through nine are unsuccessful.


Made in America

The Europeans who first came to America were highly motivated people, willing to risk their lives in search of liberty and opportunity. They had to be physically strong to endure the many travails associated with their journey.
Through the years other immigrants came to America. They had a drive that prompted them to uproot themselves and their families for the opportunities America offered for hard-working people from around the world.
Getting here was only part of the story. Succeeding here tested their mettle. It required them to sacrifice and work hard. I believe the “raw material” they brought to America was forged here into the people who made America the greatest country in the world. In essence, they were “made in America”.
Today, those bloodlines have thinned. Many Americans today feel they shouldn’t have to work hard. And it seems our new immigrants are more interested in what they can get or get away with.
This country is heading towards disaster but many people say it will be okay. They say that Americans have always prevailed through tough times. That may be true, but they were the Americans who were “made in America”, not the cheap knock-offs we have today.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I have a question for all you big-government people out there. Do you really know who in the government you are allowing to make more and more decisions for you? Let’s take a look at the prior occupations of some of the members of the 111th Congress as documented by the Congressional Research Service. The list includes:
  • professional musicians, a semi-professional musician, a screenwriter, a comedian, a documentary film maker, a major league baseball player, and an NFL football player;
  • organic farmers, ranchers, vintners, and a fruit orchard worker;
  • a driving instructor, a cosmetic sales woman, a mountain guide, and a ski instructor;
  • a casino dealer, a night watchman, and a prison guard; and
  • carpenters, bank tellers, furniture salesmen, an ironworker, an auto worker, a clothing factory worker, a textile worker, an oil field worker, a mortician, a coroner, a teamster member/dairy worker, a paper mill worker, a cement plant worker, a shellfish specialist, a river boat captain, a taxicab driver, an auctioneer, a toll booth collector, and a hotel clerk.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with any of these occupations. In fact, our Founding Fathers wanted us to be represented by our peers, especially in the House. But they also severely restricted their ability to interfere in our daily lives by stipulating the few things they were allowed to do in the Constitution.
Now, in direct violation of the Constitution, we are allowing this group of 535 people to tell us everything from how much money we need to how much water should be in our toilets. Do we really want them to make these decisions for us? Do you really think that this group so smart that we should trust them with more control over our lives?
Before you answer watch the video below:

"My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.''Representative Hank Johnson (D-Ga.): speaking to his fear that too many troops sent to Guam could be disaster, specifically the presence of a large number of American soldiers might upend the island of Guam. March 25, 2010

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Do I Really Need to Say This?

Please, GOP pundits, stop trying to defend why people need guns. It is not the job of 535 people in Washington to decide what Americans need and then ensure that is all we have.

I’m sick of hearing people on the left telling us we only need a certain type of gun with a certain type of ammo, or that the “rich” don’t need that much money, or people don’t need big cars. I am also tired of people on the right being sucked into that argument. When we argue why we think we need something it becomes a fait accompli that it is the right of the government to decide what it will allow us to have unless we can convince them otherwise.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it is the job of the federal government confiscate or band things they think we don’t need. This ignorance of the Constitution by our elected officials has got to stop! If not, we will find ourselves defending to our servants in Washington, why we need cars that go faster than 75 miles an hour, or why we need a recreational fishing boat, or more than one TV.

GOP, stop fighting these little skirmishes and hunker down around the Constitution.