Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Made in America

The Europeans who first came to America were highly motivated people, willing to risk their lives in search of liberty and opportunity. They had to be physically strong to endure the many travails associated with their journey.
Through the years other immigrants came to America. They had a drive that prompted them to uproot themselves and their families for the opportunities America offered for hard-working people from around the world.
Getting here was only part of the story. Succeeding here tested their mettle. It required them to sacrifice and work hard. I believe the “raw material” they brought to America was forged here into the people who made America the greatest country in the world. In essence, they were “made in America”.
Today, those bloodlines have thinned. Many Americans today feel they shouldn’t have to work hard. And it seems our new immigrants are more interested in what they can get or get away with.
This country is heading towards disaster but many people say it will be okay. They say that Americans have always prevailed through tough times. That may be true, but they were the Americans who were “made in America”, not the cheap knock-offs we have today.

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