Friday, July 21, 2023

The Rank-and-File

I am tired of hearing about how leadership of our intelligence agencies are corrupt but how the rank-and-file agents are above reproach.

The FBI and CIA were established to protect the United States of America.  Any lower-level agent that covers for a compromised administration is not doing their job and should be fired and their pensions eliminated.

If I were Chairman Comer, I would make the following statement: A compromised president is a danger to the U.S.  Any agent that our investigation finds has covered for this administration will be fired.  If you have performed responsibly, you have our respect and will be protected.  If you have been part of, or complicit with, any illegal activity and do not come forward to this committee privately or openly, you will be held accountable.  

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Oversight Scam

Congress has oversight of the executive branch to ensure a balance of power but the executive branch uses multiple ploys to avoid accountability.  Here are three things that Congress should change to have true oversight:

1. Select members of Congress should be privy to on-going investigations.  How many times have you heard members of the Justice department say that they couldn’t answer a question from Congress because there is an open investigation? Investigations can be opened or kept open to exploit this.  If certain members of Congress have access to our country’s most important secrets, why can’t they have access to information related to an open investigation.

2. Select members of Congress should be allowed to know details of intelligence agencies’ operations. How many times have you heard members of the FBI or CIA say that they couldn’t answer a question from Congress because it would reveal sources and methods?

3. Select members of Congress should have access to unredacted documents from the executive branch.  Too often they redact information for nefarious reasons or simply because it is embarrassing to a department.

Until these things are changed congressional oversight is a scam.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

There is a subcommittee to determine if the Federal Government, including the intelligence agencies, has been weaponized?  I assume weaponization means that they would go after people they don’t like.  Well, I think Senator Schumer has already weighed in on the topic when he said “you go after the intelligence community they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you so … (it’s) really dumb to do (this).” See for yourself:


Check out a related post here.