Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Six Ways from Sunday

What are we to make of the multiple leaks aimed at hurting the president; the New York Times op-ed from “The Quiet Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”; the shenanigans of Brennan, Clapper, and Comey; the entire Mueller investigation; these recent whistleblower reports?  Who is behind all this?
Chuck Schumer provided the answer way back in January 2017 if anyone cared to listen.

There ya have it!  Makes perfect sense.  Trump upset some crooked intelligence agents with his mean words, so they are finding ways to get back at him.  Six ways according to Schumer.

I wonder if anyone in the MSM will ask Chuck Schumer why he would say that our stellar intelligence agencies would be so vindictive.  What did he know that made him say that and when did he know it?  Let’s subpoena his emails. While we’re at it, let’s demand to see his tax returns for the last ten years.

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