Saturday, April 15, 2023

Leftists Don’t Want to Fix Issues, They Want to Use Issues to get Elected.

Conservatives are giving Al Sharpton credit for saying that progressives need to get tough on crime.   The difference between conservatives who want to get tough on crime and progressives is that conservatives want to stop people from getting killed and/or molested.  Progressives want to start getting tough on crime because they think that high crime rates in progressive cities are hurting their chances of getting elected.

Abortion is another example.  Democrats had the Whitehouse and both houses of congress and could have passed a law making abortion legal across the country but then they couldn’t run on the issue.  Without abortion as an issue to get liberals out to the polls democrats are doomed.

The war on poverty is another issue leftists don’t want to solve.  They need to be able to promise to give people “free” things in name of fighting poverty in order to bribe them for their votes.

Fighting racism is another example.  They need to make everything about race, even promoting fake hate crimes, to keep getting a majority of the black vote.

One more example is global warming.  Leftists claim that global warming will destroy the planet killing billions of people around the globe but are against clean nuclear energy.  Whatever issues they might have with nuclear energy it has to be better than killing billions of people.  Their position only makes sense if they are not really serious about global warming.

This is not an exhaustive list.  Add your examples in the comment section.


  1. The support of the war in Ukraine is another example. The Biden administration trumpets about support for Ukraine yet they have to be dragged by congress to provide that support. So far the war is a stalemate. They only want that issue to make them look tough against Russia. BTW I don’t think Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump were in office but I’d bet he will find a way to end it on his upcoming next term
