Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Rebekah and Ben

A Thought about the State of the Union Show

We had to suffer through the story of Rebekah and Ben Erler of Minneapolis being young and in love in America. They showed Rebekah often, and many times in an awkward two-shot with Mrs. Joe Biden. But where was Ben?

If I were a tweeter guy I would start a #wherewasben campaign.

The Real Significance of the Keystone Pipeline

Both Democrats and Republicans talk about the jobs that would be created and the revenue generated from approving the construction of the Keystone pipeline. I believe the most significant thing about the Keystone Pipeline is that Obama will not approve it.

This should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt to both Obama supporters and Obama detractors that he does not mean a word he says about working with Congress. It is clear that he will only work with Congress when they agree with his position exactly. No compromise. Otherwise, why would he not just approve the pipeline in deference to the Republicans (and many Democrats) and prove he is serious about committing “to every Republican here tonight that I will not only seek out your ideas, I will seek to work with you to make this country stronger”, as he stated in the State of the Union.

So for me the real test of Obama’s willingness to compromise with Congress is the approval of the pipeline. Until he approves the pipeline, all his preaching about “a better politics” remains just cringe-worthy platitudes.

10 Steps to Ensure a Strong State of the Union

The time is now to restore the integrity, fiscal responsibility, and military might of the United States of America.

1. The size of the federal government must be drastically reduced. President Obama has proven it is too big as demonstrated by the fact that he has to learn about what’s going on in his own administration by reading the morning paper. The size of the federal government is unmanageable no matter who is president. Responsibilities currently held by federal departments and agencies such as the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, and the EPA should be shifted to the states. The federal involvement in these and other department and agencies should be limited to arbitrating issues between states. Federal taxes should be reduced accordingly allowing states to increase taxes to cover their new responsibilities. Lowering federal taxes and getting federal government out of the way of “we the people” will kick start the economy.

2. Whenever possible states should be responsible for the administration and funding of social programs. Again, federal taxes should be reduced accordingly allowing states to increase taxes to cover their new responsibilities.

3. Baseline Budgeting should be eliminated. All federal spending should be part of the budget and a balance budget amendment should be added to the constitution.

4. We should increase the size and strength of the US military. “Peace through Strength” should once again be our goal. Government investments in “shovel-ready jobs” should be geared toward ensuring an overwhelming technologically-advanced military. Federal job training programs should be coordinated through the branches of our military. Federal assistance for college should be contingent on military service.

5. Our whole foreign policy should be “reset”. Foreign aid to nations that openly counter American interests should be reevaluated. Our level of involvement with the U.N. should also be reevaluated. Relationships with allies like Israel and Eastern Europe should be rebuilt starting with exporting ballistic missile defense systems to these countries. The United States of America should once again be an ally’s best friend and an enemy’s worst nightmare.

6. I believe Iran will have a nuclear weapon by the end of the year. We should have a plan to deploy ballistic missile defense systems to region.

7. Restrictions on drilling for oil on public lands should be lifted. Waivers of onerous fracking regulations natural gas exports should be granted. Approval for building the Keystone pipeline should be granted immediately. We must not be in a position to allow our reliance on oil from the Middle East to limit our options in that and other regions of the world.

8. A bill instituting a fair or flat tax system should be prepared. The new tax system should eliminate all loopholes used by the rich and corporations to avoid paying taxes.

9. Obamacare should be repealed and replaced. By all accounts Obamacare is a lemon. And just like a car you buy that is a lemon, it can be fixed if you dump enough money into it. Obamacare is not worth the trillions it’s going to cost to fix it. Congress should devise a new healthcare plan that is patient-centered and will allow every American access to the best, most affordable care in the world.

10. A new International Terrorism Taskforce should be created, a la Interpol, with the sole charter of fighting international terrorism.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hey, NFL, Put Your Hands Over Your Hearts!

You don’t have to sing during the national anthem (although that would be nice) but at least put your hand over your heart. Just because the current president of the U.S. isn’t patriotic, doesn’t make it right for you.

This excerpt is from the U.S. Code:

During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.

Friday, January 16, 2015

“I’m Going to Play Offense”

I was encouraged when I looked at the Drudge Report and saw the headline in bolded letters “I’m Going to Play Offense” under the following picture:

With Islamic terrorists killing people around the world on a daily basis, I thought Obama was finally going to take the threat seriously and go on the offensive. My mistake: upon reading the article I found out that he was going to play offense against the Republicans in Congress. Should have figured.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Hopalong Christie

Many Eagles, Jets, Giants fans are upset with Chris Christie for sitting in Jerry Jones’ box and routing for the stinking Cowboys (I’m an Eagles fan).  Many think it will hurt him if he runs for president.  I agree but not for the reason most people mention.  I think it will hurt him because of how he acts while he watches the game.  It’s embarrassing.

Christie is known for his bromances: First with Obama in the aftermath of Sandy, and now with Jerry Jones.  That’s bad enough but he always looks like the needy, starved for attention partner in the relationship.  Check out this video of Christie and Obama:

Now watch this video of Christie trying to get a hug from Jerry Jones:

Can you imagine what it would be like to elect someone like this to a position known as the leader of the free world?  I can.  Checkout my photoshop: