Thursday, November 28, 2013

More or Less

You’re probably wondering, “How does Obamacare affect me?”
That’s a good question but you probably can figure out the answer by asking yourself some questions:
You are in charge of an insurance company and the government has generated a list of minimum requirements for insurance plans. Some of the plans you provide do not meet the government’s minimum requirements (such as paying for pre-natal care, breast exams, mental health services, etc.).
Are you more or less likely to continue selling those policies illegally even if those policies suit your customers’ needs?
Do you charge customers more or less money for plans that provide the increased coverage stipulated by the government?
To try to keep premium increases down, are you more or less likely to pay for customers to see specialists?
You are a business owner. You are now obligated to provide a health care plan for all employees who work over 30 hours a week or pay a penalty?
Are you more or less likely to hire new employees?
If you have to hire new employees, will you be more or less likely to hire part-time workers?
The penalty for not providing health care plans for your employees is far less than the cost of providing a health care benefit. If you are currently paying for health care plans for your employees and there are now state healthcare exchanges available for them to access, are you more or less likely to continue providing the health care benefit.
You are a doctor. The requirements to participate in Obamacare plans are onerous, costly, and take significant time away from treating patients.
Are you more or less likely to treat patients with Obamacare plans?
You are an average American worker who has a low cost insurance plan that suits your needs from the individual market or from your employer and you like the doctor you are currently seeing.
Are you more or less likely to be screwed by Obamacare?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Naivete

I must admit my naiveté.  I did not know the full extent to which this administration was willing to go to get reelected when I wrote 10 Steps to Get Yourself Reelected President if You Are a Democrat.  I have updated the steps based on recent revelations.

12 Steps to Get Yourself Reelected President if You Believe the Ends Justifies the Means to get Reelected
  1. Garner a fawning press. 
  2. Promise to give away a bunch of “free” stuff.
  3. Use the IRS to silence your opposition.
  4. Lie about key events and policy initiatives such as Benghazi and Obamacare to keep approval numbers from dropping.
  5. Direct the Census Bureau to fudge the unemployment numbers to get them below 8% knowing that no president has gotten reelected with unemployment numbers above 8%.  (The reported unemployment numbers drop from 8.1% to 7.8% one month before the election.)
  6. Ensure no voter ID laws are in place prior to the election.
  7. Persuade Democratic Governors to establish early voting to maximize chances of voter fraud in your favor.
  8. Do everything possible to ensure mail-in ballots from military personnel are not received in time or counted.
  9. Use any data base at your disposal to identify likely Democratic voters (such as the NSA Prism data base).
  10. Use federally-funded groups such as ACORN and AmeriCorps to get those people registered to vote, and to the polls.  Bribe potential voters with booze, cigarettes, or money if necessary.
  11. Target these efforts in the big cities of major swing states (a win in a big city can swing the whole state).  Remove Republican poll watchers from polls if possible as was done in Philadelphia.  (Romney got zero votes in 59 districts in Philadelphia and 9 districts in Cleveland.)
  12. Send lawyers to key areas to sue if steps one through nine are unsuccessful.
New polling shows that Romney may have won the election if it were not for the Banana Republic tactics of this administration.