- Garner a fawning press.
- Promise to give away a bunch of “free” stuff.
- Use the full power of Executive Branch to intimidate and silence your opposition.
- Ensure no voter ID laws are in place prior to the election.
- Persuade Democratic Governors to establish early voting to maximize chances of voter fraud in your favor.
- Do everything possible to ensure mail-in ballots from military personnel are not received in time or counted.
- Use any data base at your disposal to identify likely Democratic voters (such as the NSA Prism data base).
- Use federally-funded groups such as ACORN and AmeriCorps to get those people registered to vote, and to the polls. Bribe potential voters with booze, cigarettes, or money if necessary.
- Target these efforts in the big cities of major swing states (a win in a big city can swing the whole state). Remove Republican poll watchers from polls if possible as was done in Philadelphia. (Romney got zero votes in 52 districts in Philadelphia.)
- Send lawyers to key areas to sue if steps one through nine are unsuccessful.