Monday, August 30, 2021

Quote of the New Week

NY Post Columnist, Miranda Devine, referring to “Biden’s State Department colleagues” as “Blynken, Wynken, and Nod” on the Fox News show Outnumbered.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Quote of the Week

Joey Jones responding to Ned Price, State Department spokesman, characterizing the evacuation as highly effective and saying that the “metric that matters” is 110,600 people have been evacuated.  This statement made after the killing of 13 U.S. military:

“I don’t know what it is about this administration for hiring dudes that have a face you want to punch … you get mad watching the dude talk.”

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lara Logan Has an Agenda

Lara Logan, I understand, has lived in Afghanistan and has an affinity for its people.  She has a lot of valuable insights into the current situation in Afghanistan but continues to put the full blame on the U.S.  She said the following on Laura Ingraham’s show: “Afghans don’t actually want fly to America...what they really want is their country back.” 

My question to Lara would have been, if that is true then why did 300,000 Afghan military and police drop their weapons and run to the airport?

Afghanistan: The Inconvenient Truth

I have listened to the horrific stories about what will happen to people left in Afghanistan at the hands of the Taliban and how the U.S. is honor-bound to get everyone out who wants to leave.  I saw a female Afghani journalist wearing an Afghanistan flag covid mask here in American crying about how the U.S. needs to do more.  This leaves me to wonder why didn’t the Afghanis themselves do more over the last 20 years to fight the Taliban? 

I do not believe we are honor-bound to help when millions of able-bodied Afghanis did not feel honor-bound to fight for their own country.  Also, I think we should refuse to help any able-bodied man leave the country they refused to defend.