Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Democrat "Strategy"

Democrats across the country are strategizing on how to beat Trump in 2020.  There is a book out called How to Beat Trump: America’s Top Political Strategist on What it Will Take.  Obama announced a new effort to influence redistricting to get more democrats in power.  They are against voter ID laws.  They want felons to vote.  Democrats are even talking about eliminating the Electoral College in hopes of getting a Democrat elected.

What is disconcerting to me is that there is very little “strategery” about how to improve things for America and Americans on the Democrat side.

Trump and Tariffs

I have one question for all you “Trump-is-an-egomaniacal, pompous, power-hungry-tyrant” haters out there.

If tariffs hurt the economy, and a good economy is essential for Trump to win reelection in 2020 then why is he using tariffs to pressure China?

Both Republicans and Democrats believe that China must be forced to stop its trade practices and theft of American intellectual property, but no one has done anything about it until Trump.

Even if you think his method of pressure is ill-advised you should give him credit for pursuing what he thinks needs to be done at the risk of his reelection.

We finally get a person who is more concerned about the country then his next election and we want to get rid of him.  

Trump, North Korea, China, and 2020

Democrats are willing to do and sacrifice anything to try to stop Trump from succeeding in any of his efforts.  This includes his dealings with North Korea and China.  If Trump is successful in denuclearizing North Korea or negotiating a beneficial trade deal with China, Democrats know their chances of winning in 2020 are gone.  So, they will sacrifice what is beneficial to America to get back their power and control.

Somehow Trump was able to get concessions from Mexico and Central American countries by threatening tariffs in spite of the fact that democrats (and some Republicans) in Congress were claiming they were going to stop Trump from imposing those tariffs.  Thank goodness the Mexicans know that our congressmen are a bunch of incompetent boobs and the threat of blocking his actions were just that, a threat.

Imagine if both Democrats and Republicans stood behind the president in his pressure on China.  Imagine if Democrat candidates for president said they would pursue similar actions against China if elected.   I believe this would force China to concede and not just wait for 2020 and hope that some weak-kneed Democrat gets elected.  Same with North Korea.

But, alas, it is no longer about what it is good for America but more about Democrats (and establishment republicans) regaining power.

This does not bode well for our country.