Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Burgermeister Meisterburger

Does Jerry Nadler remind anyone else of the Burgermeister Meisterburger TV show Santa Claus is Comin' to Town?

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Mueller Report: Republicans Take a Victory Lap while Democrats Laugh

The Democrats planned to use the Mueller report to get rid of Trump regardless of whether it recommended indictment or not.    If it recommended indictment, Democrats would immediately call for his impeachment.  If it didn’t, they would insist that the report be released so they can use the details in the report to beat him in 2020.  The Democrats were even able to dupe Republicans into calling for the report’s release. 

In the end, the Mueller report is $32 million worth of tax payer funded opposition research that will be used against Trump in the next election.  The Democrats outwitted the Republicans again.