Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama Skirts the Issue

Obama sent a crack team into China to ensure China doesn’t get any ideas after watching Putin waltz into Crimea.  The team is made up of his wife, his daughters, and his mother-in-law.
I feel much better now.

Obama Putin His Foot in His Mouth

Who is America’s number one geopolitical foe? For a clue watch the following:

(The definition of geopolitics: The study of geographic influences on power relationships in international politics. Geopolitical theorists have sought to demonstrate the importance in the determination of foreign policies of considerations such as the acquisition of natural boundaries, access to important sea routes, and the control of strategically important land areas.)

For some more fun watch Kerry (our Secretary of State) being clueless:

Here’s Chris Matthews embarrassing himself: 

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Audacity of the Dope

When a citizen told Obama that he could not afford to buy Obama Care because he didn’t make enough money, Obama suggested he stop paying for cable. I can’t believe his audacity. The federal government doesn’t take in enough money to pay its bills but they still pay for Public Television and Radio!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

All Is Well

Why does Obama remind me of Kevin Beacon in Animal House lately?

Step Aside, President Obama

The time is ripe for a strong Republican leader to just start making “State of the Union” type speeches laying out a path forward for America. The leaders around the world are rushing to fill the void left by Obama’s lack of leadership and it is time for a republican in this country to do the same.

A speech like this would be a good start:
The time is now for the country to start planning to restore the integrity, fiscal responsibility, and military might of the United States of America.  We must be ready to act the day after President Obama steps down from office.  There will be no time to waste.
First, to counter the leverage Vladimir Putin has over Europe due of their reliance on Russian oil supplied by pipelines through the Ukraine, we should lift restrictions on drilling for oil on public lands.  Waivers of onerous fracking regulations should be granted.  If building the Keystone pipeline has not been started and is still an option, approval should be granted immediately.  This would also weaken the bad actors in the Middle East.
We need to get our fiscal house in order.  To that end Baseline Budgeting should be eliminated.  I would ask Paul Ryan to work with members of Congress to prepare budgets that balance the federal budget in 10 years.  These budgets should be written and ready for approval on day one of the new administration.  The elimination of redundant or ineffective programs should be considered a high priority.
Obamacare should be repealed and replaced.  To that end, I will work with Dr. Ben Carson and the Save Our Healthcare Project to consult with congress to devise a new healthcare plan that is patient-centered and will allow every American access to the best, most affordable care in the world.
A bill instituting a fair or flat tax system should be prepared.  The new tax system should eliminate all loopholes used by the rich and corporations to avoid paying taxes.  In conjunction with these changes the corporate tax rate should be lowered.
We should increase the size and strength of the US military.  “Peace through Strength” should once again be our goal.  Government investments in “shovel-ready jobs” should be geared toward ensuring an overwhelming technologically-advanced military.  Federal job training programs should be coordinated through the branches of our military. 
Our whole foreign policy should be “reset”.  I would ask John Bolton to help devise a policy that would rebuild our relationships with our true allies.  Foreign aid to nations that openly counter American interests should be reevaluated.  Our level of involvement with the U.N. should also be reevaluated.  Relationships with allies like Israel and Eastern Europe should be rebuilt starting with exporting ballistic missile defense systems to these countries. The United States of America should once again be an ally's best friend and an enemy’s worst nightmare.
Republicans currently hold only one house of congress.  This should not preclude them from readying bills for passage even if they do not get voted on in the Senate.  If republicans gain control of the Senate in 2014, these bills should be approved in the Senate even if they face a certain veto by Obama.  Getting them passed now is not the goal.  Getting bills ready for a Republican president in 2016 to sign on his first day in office is the goal.  With President Obama willfully presiding over the decline of American until 2016, swift and certain action will be needed to reverse this trend.
America's best days lay ahead if we are willing to act now.
God Bless America.

The World Burns...

Sochi Bear