Thursday, December 12, 2013

Man the Pitchforks!

It has been decided. Obama is going to finish out the rest of his term using class warfare to keep his approval numbers up.
Unfortunately, this has been a very successful tactic for him. He will use his community organizing skills because he is incapable of persuading or negotiating with people with whom he disagrees. He will pass out the torches and pitchforks to the needy and sic them on those who have more.
This will all be done under the guise of correcting the “income inequality” in this country. But who is to blame for this inequality. He has been president for almost six years.
His attacks on businesses, over-regulation, ObamaCare, and increases in the minimum wage, all stifle job creation. Increased spending on food stamps, social security disability claims, Obama phones, extended unemployment benefits, all decrease incentives to work. This exacerbates the unemployment problem.
In the meantime, he continues his policy of quantitative easing which is artificially keeping the stock market bubble growing. This policy increases the wealth of those who have millions of dollars to spend in the stock market.
So, Obama worsens the unemployment problem, makes the rich richer with manipulations of the stock market, then tells the people he’s going to reduce the income gap.
Man the pitchforks!