Thursday, October 17, 2013

He Can’t Help Himself

Obama gave the Medal of Honor to former Army captain William D. Swenson for his actions in a six hour battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan four years ago, in which five Americans, 10 Afghan army troops and an interpreter were killed.
Obama recounted how the captain risked his life to recover bodies and help save fellow troops. "Will Swenson was there for his brothers," Obama said.
Everything was going fine but then he just couldn’t help himself. He had to take a swipe at Republicans because of the current budget and debt ceiling negotiations.
"I think our nation needs this ceremony today,” Obama said.  "In moments like this, Americans like Will remind us of what our country can be at its best, a nation of citizens who look out for one another, who meet our obligations to one another not just when it's easy, but also when it's hard — maybe especially when it's hard," Obama said. "And, Will, you're an example to everyone in this city and to our whole country of the professionalism and patriotism that we should strive for, whether we wear a uniform or not, not just on particular occasions but all the time."
Sounds like a thinly veiled knock on Republicans during a Medal of Honor ceremony! to me.  What do you think?  Sounds like he is really saying, “If only Republicans in Congress would do their jobs. You’re an example to every one of these negligent Republicans in this city."
The only person in Washington who needs to learn something from a hero who helped save troops and ensured no one was left behind is our Commander-in-Chief. He left four Americans to die in Benghazi.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

American’s Crosswalk Mentality

If you want a good example of how a government entitlement affects people’s behavior in a negative way, pay attention to people walking in crosswalks.

Before government made it your “right” to walk in front of a moving car, people would typically hustle across the way, and maybe even give you a little wave because you stopped to let them cross. Not anymore.

Now, it seems, some people actually slow down when using a crosswalk. Some will stare at you as if to dare you to not let them pass. Some do not even look, thinking that they are fully protected by government.

Every once in a while you will see someone quicken their pace and thank you for stopping. If you do I bet you dollars to doughnuts they are not liberal democrats.

Chicago Thug

Obama says he will not negotiate with Republicans unless his healthcare plan remains untouched, the debt ceiling is raised, and there are no mandatory budget cuts.

That is like a union boss who says he is willing to negotiate to end a strike if his health care benefits are untouched, he gets more money, and doesn’t have to agree to cut any spending.

Is it any wonder Congress is not getting anywhere?