Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I have a question for all you big-government people out there. Do you really know who in the government you are allowing to make more and more decisions for you? Let’s take a look at the prior occupations of some of the members of the 111th Congress as documented by the Congressional Research Service. The list includes:
  • professional musicians, a semi-professional musician, a screenwriter, a comedian, a documentary film maker, a major league baseball player, and an NFL football player;
  • organic farmers, ranchers, vintners, and a fruit orchard worker;
  • a driving instructor, a cosmetic sales woman, a mountain guide, and a ski instructor;
  • a casino dealer, a night watchman, and a prison guard; and
  • carpenters, bank tellers, furniture salesmen, an ironworker, an auto worker, a clothing factory worker, a textile worker, an oil field worker, a mortician, a coroner, a teamster member/dairy worker, a paper mill worker, a cement plant worker, a shellfish specialist, a river boat captain, a taxicab driver, an auctioneer, a toll booth collector, and a hotel clerk.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with any of these occupations. In fact, our Founding Fathers wanted us to be represented by our peers, especially in the House. But they also severely restricted their ability to interfere in our daily lives by stipulating the few things they were allowed to do in the Constitution.
Now, in direct violation of the Constitution, we are allowing this group of 535 people to tell us everything from how much money we need to how much water should be in our toilets. Do we really want them to make these decisions for us? Do you really think that this group so smart that we should trust them with more control over our lives?
Before you answer watch the video below:

"My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.''Representative Hank Johnson (D-Ga.): speaking to his fear that too many troops sent to Guam could be disaster, specifically the presence of a large number of American soldiers might upend the island of Guam. March 25, 2010