Friday, March 20, 2009

Stop the Madness Part 1

Monday, March 16, 2009


I think I understand why conservatives contribute to candidates; we want to reduce the size of government and its control over our lives. In order to accomplish this we must have elected officials who are willing to limit their power over us. But why would rich liberals, like movie stars, bother with the political system?

It seems to me that most liberal movie stars tend to be engaged in politics because they are concerned with certain social issues like homelessness, protecting woodlands, health care, embryonic stem-cell research, etc. What I can’t understand is why they don’t pool the billions of dollars a year they make and address these problems directly.

One movie can gross over one hundred million dollars (not including DVD sales). Imagine what good their money could do if all the liberal stars got together and made a couple of movies a year and dedicated the money to one or all of these causes. They could build thousands of homes and protect thousands of acres of forests. They could set up health clinics for the uninsured all over the country. They could fund embryonic stem-cell research that we are told will make paralyzed people walk and cure cancer.

But instead liberal movie stars spend their time, money, and effort on getting politicians elected who promise to take Joe Six-pack’s money to do these things. I’m not saying that celebrities don’t already support charitable activities, but just imagine what they could do if they got together and invested as much energy on solving these problems directly as they do on political activism.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Multiplier Effect

The Democrats think that government spending has a multiplier effect that helps the economy. I have heard people claim that paying someone to dig a hole and then fill it in is good for the economy because of the multiplier effect. I don’t agree because the government has to take money from someone and that someone will have less money to spend.

But for the sake of argument let’s just say they are right. Let’s say they are right about their belief that government spending on WW II brought us out of the Great Depression. If this is true I have idea. Let’s build some jet fighters. Let’s build tanks. Let’s build missile defense systems. Let’s build navy ships.

This will create thousands of jobs. It will drive up the demand for engineers and scientists. Technologies developed could be shared with the private sector. It would keep us safer. And just think of the multiplying effect.

But nooooo. Democrats won’t approve that spending, in spite of the fact that it is one of the few things the Federal government is constitutionally allowed to spend money on. The reason they won’t is because that wouldn’t help promote their real agenda which is to increase the federal government’s role in our lives.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Michael Steele…Better Get in Gear

The following democratic talking points need to be addressed and refuted:

It is the failed policies of the Bush administration that ruin the economy
The RNC needs to show how most of the problems we face today can be traced back to the sub-prime loans pushed by democrats and how the heads of Fannie Mae and ACORN were complicit.

We have tried tax cuts and they don’t work
The public should know how the tax cuts brought us out of the recessions inherited from the Clinton administration and the economic issues caused by 9/11.

The budget that President Obama is going to sign soon is just taking care of last year’s business
It was a democratic congress that put together this budget along with its 9000 earmarks. When the democratic talking heads say they are just cleaning up last year’s business they are trying to make people think that this budget is tied to President Bush. Republicans should hold President Obama accountable to his campaign promises and demand he not sign the budget.

The RNC better act and act fast. They should pay for infomercials and put videos on the internet. Put the information out there as many times as it takes to make people at least think before they take as true everything the democrats say.

And one more thing…don’t be afraid to call them what they are, socialists. The democrats have us afraid to use the word. The mere fact that they complain when we use the S-word means we should use it more.

Poseidon Adventure

Many Republicans are calling for other Republicans to hope that Obama is successful in office; after all, if he is successful the country will be successful. I couldn’t disagree more. Obama wants to take this country in the wrong direction. He wants to weaken our ability to protect ourselves against terrorist attacks and increase the size of government.

It is like Obama is on the USS Poseidon after it capsized and is calling for everyone to follow him to the lifeboats strapped to the decks. We shouldn’t hope he is successful. He’s going in the wrong direction. Republicans have an obligation to lead Americans in the right direction.